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Botswana to Diversify its Diamond-dependent Economy by Launching into the Medicinal Cannabis Market
Diamonds make up about 80 percent of the southern African country’s foreign earnings. “The decline in diamond revenues by over 60 percent in recent years

Cannabis and livelihoods in Africa: a call for policy reform that is inclusive, equitable and evidence-based
Cannabis has a complex history in Africa having been grown, traded and consumed in many societies before and after it was made illegal in the

Cannabis: Morocco’s pot of gold
Hamid Hssisen hails from a long line of Moroccan cannabis growers. But this October’s harvest is different — it’s the first time his crop has

KZN municipality’s ambitious cannabis project bears good results
OKhahlamba local municipality on the far midlands of KwaZulu-Natal has moved to harvest its second cannabis produce, three years since it embarked on the ambitious

Cannabis case puts the spotlight on company drug testing policies
In the recent case of Enever vs Barloworld Equipment South Africa, the constitutional court ordered Barloworld to give Berndadette Enever 24 months’ pay in compensation for

Massive ‘green gold’ problem for South Africa
The Department of Agriculture says that implementing the Cannabis Master Plan is a critical priority during the seventh administration’s term. However, it is being hindered

Surplus piles up for cannabis farmers due to market challenges
Government has expedited hemp permits for farmers and has issued 1 100 since cannabis was declared an agricultural crop in 2021. However, little attention is being

EDF, Maiic team up in K18bn cannabis factory
Malawi has made a leap towards becoming a significant producer and exporter of pharmaceutical and wellness products from cannabis following the launch of the construction

South Africa Issues 1,110 Hemp Licenses: Is The Industry Leaving Small Farmers Behind?
South Africa has recently issued 1,110 permits for hemp cultivation following the approval of the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill. The facilitation of these licenses
South Africa
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Founded in 2019, AfriLeaf’s mission is to foster a deep understanding between Africa and the global community with analytical pieces from trusted authors across the globe. We are a global newsroom for cannabis news across the African continent headquartered in Toronto, Canada with a network of analysts and authors in Africa.