Seychelles: Cannabis Debate in Seychelles Continues, Advocates for Legalisation Vocally Campaign

Seychelles: Cannabis Debate in Seychelles Continues, Advocates for Legalisation Vocally Campaign

BREAKING: Seychelles Kanabis Association Challenges Cannabis Misconceptions, Bringing Clarity through Education

The Seychelles Kanabis Association (SKA), registered in July of 2022, seeks to continue to lobby the government to provide safe access to cannabis to users within a regulated framework for adult use. The SKA recently took a stand against cannabis misconceptions. Through a radio session and an exhibition in Victoria, SKA Chairperson Nelson Esparon highlighted the importance of dispelling misunderstandings about both recreational and medical cannabis.

Esparon challenged the notion that labeling it as “medical cannabis” automatically makes it safe for medical use but not for recreation—a misconception that needs clarification.

As discussions about cannabis legalization continue, concerns arise regarding the public’s lack of credible information. SKA emphasizes the need for comprehensive cannabis education to ensure informed decision-making.

Read the full article here:

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